28 November 2012

black out: wednesday

I'm feeling well enough to not shudder at the thought of taking photos of myself! Hurrah! And I managed to find five minutes between downpours to squeeze in a quick photo sesh for my first (documented) Black Out get up! Double hurrah!

If you're Perth-bound I hope you found a way to make the most of this dreary weather - a comfy and colourful outfit, a warm cafe and a chinwag over lunch with an old friend made for a pretty perfect stormy wednesday for me.

Op shopped blouse and jeans
Coat gift from a friend (probably op shopped)
Necklace from childhood
Shoes by Betts

Lisa xx


  1. Glad you are feeling better! You look amaze!

  2. This outfit? I kind of need it in my life for so many reasons. Your friend sure knows how to gift an amazing coat. :)

    Glad you're feeling better!

