04 August 2012

restyle: little black bodycon

Dress from Vinnies ($6.00)
Marcs heels

I HAVE A TOTALLY SWEET MAGIC TRICK FOR YOU GUYS. Take one black bodycon dress, add some black tights and a killer pair of heels and BAM. INSTA-LEGS. Dazzle and frighten your friends and paramours with your new seemingly-endless pins! Cool, right? And I'll admit I'm not usually one for the bodycon thing (I like my clothes twirl-able) but sometimes it's fun to change up flowy for slinky, and this dress feels about as slinky as they come.

Lisa xx


  1. I am LOVING your restyle outfits so far, you've found such a great variety of looks. This does make you legs look amazing (although I suspect that's probably also due to you having great legs!)

  2. And ambra 200 denier tights. I recognize that sheen.
    I was too tired to mention it last night but you looked great in that green velvet dress too

  3. Yay I have those shoes too! Loving the neckline on that dress, and you're right about the endless legs... xx

  4. Love that dress, black suits you!

